Organizing Your Move

Are you planning a move? Whether big or small, near or far, here are some ways to make your move as seamless and painless as possible! BEFORE THE MOVE MAKE A PLAN – Before you start packing, if possible, get a floor plan for your new place. Decide what each room will be used for. … Read more

Organizing Photos

what to do with photos

Organizing photos can be a big job, but it can also be a fun walk down memory lane. Here are my top tips for getting all those photos under control! Printed photos… If you’ve got ‘em, most likely you’ve got LOTS of them!  Some of us have them organized in chronological (or maybe not-so-chronological) boxes … Read more

Downsizing Your Elderly Loved One

  If you are part of the sandwich generation  – you already know how much is on our plates!  By the time we realize our teenagers are becoming more independent young adults, we also have the harsh realization that our parents either need some extra support or will sooner than later. We are sandwiched between … Read more

How Does Virtual Organizing Work?

  These are strange days indeed.  With the introduction of Covid-19 we have all been tasked with adjusting to a “new normal”.  One that requires almost everything to be done online.  Thank goodness we have the technology to make it possible to work remotely, shop, socialize, etc!  More and more businesses are trying to find … Read more

Spring Cleaning Success

It’s that time of year again!  While we all look forward to the changing of winter to spring, with it comes that dreaded “spring cleaning”.  When you think about it, the term “spring cleaning” used to be just that – a time to give the house a good cleaning and airing out after a winter … Read more

How to Store Your Tall Boots

What to Do With Your Tall Boots I think this is a universal problem for most women in the winter months…. what do we do with all those cute tall boots?  We only wear them for a few months out of the year, and we have several different styles, colors, etc.  So how do we … Read more

Getting Your New Year Started Right

Happy New Year!   Wow…. Here we are at 2020.  What in the world happened to 2019??  The years sure go by faster and faster these days.  And where are the flying cars?  I’m pretty sure when I was a kid, the idea of 2020 came with hovercrafts and silver jumpsuits for everyone.  Wait.  Maybe … Read more

Getting Organized for the Holidays

Ready or not, the holidays are coming.  Read any social media post or meme, and you will be reminded that there are only a few weeks left in the DECADE!  Which means we have even less time before the holidays are upon us. Before you hyperventilate, I have a few ideas to help make the … Read more

Back to School Sale!

It’s That Time of Year Again…. Summer vacation was fun, relaxing, unstructured and spontaneous, as it should be.  But now that the kiddos are back in school, and a more structured routine is settling in, it’s time to bring some structure back to the areas of your home that need it most. Whether your kids … Read more

SOS by Lisa | Professional Organizer, Home Organizer
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