Getting Organized for the Holidays

Christmas Tree With Baubles

Ready or not, the holidays are coming.  Read any social media post or meme, and you will be reminded that there are only a few weeks left in the DECADE!  Which means we have even less time before the holidays are upon us.

Before you hyperventilate, I have a few ideas to help make the whole season a little less stressful!

Toy Edit – like now!  Take a little time to go through the kids’ toys and pull out the ones that are no longer played with, missing pieces, chewed by the dog, etc.  This will not only give you a good idea of what they already have, but also clears up space for the new ones that will be coming in.

Decoration Edit – As you are putting decorations out for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, etc, take stock of what didn’t make the cut this year.  As you are decorating, it’s a great time to purge the decor you have but no longer use.  Trust me, if you don’t like it enough to display it this year, you won’t like it any better next year!  Plus, now you have created some space for those after-holiday deals you know you will find!

Spare Bedroom/Bathroom Check – If you have guests coming for the holidays, now is a great time to take a quick look at your spare bedroom and bathroom.  Do the towels and sheets need replacing?  At the very least, freshen them up a week or so before guests arrive.  How are the closets in the spare room?  Is there space for guests to hang clothes, etc?  Maybe you need to do a quick purge/reorganize now to insure your guests will be comfy, and you aren’t running around like a chicken with your head cut off the day before they arrive.

Pantry Check – Take the time now to check the expiration dates on the items in your pantry.  Don’t wait until Thanksgiving dinner to find out that the Pumpkin Pie Spice that you use once a year expired in 2015!  Check the staples to make sure you have some of what you will need on hand.  I’m not telling you to grocery shop for Thanksgiving dinner now, but you know you will need staples such as chicken broth, pumpkin, etc.  Take stock now so it’s one less thing you have to do later.

Closets/Hiding Places – If you are going to need to hide some Christmas presents, take a look at the space you have available.  Are your closets overflowing?  Not going to fit any presents in there… Take the time now to clean out and reorganize those closets, under the beds, attics, etc so the space is there and waiting when the Amazon boxes show up!

Speaking of Closets – Now is a great time to go through the kids’ closets (and your own!) and pull out the clothes that don’t fit.  You may have just switched over to the colder weather wardrobe, so go through and pull out what can’t be worn anymore.  I guarantee you will find a few gift ideas in there in things that no longer fit.  Or conversely, you may find that so-and-so doesn’t need the cool sweatshirt you found on sale once you’ve counted up the 19 that he already has.  While you’re in there, even if the items still fit, if they weren’t worn last year, clear them out.  You/your kids won’t like it any better this year, I promise.  If possible, donate any coats/winter gear to local coat drives.

Hopefully these ideas will help the coming holidays run like a well-oiled machine!  There will still be some chaos and unexpected issues that arise (it wouldn’t be “the holidays” otherwise), but you will NEVER regret getting organized, and you will be well-equipped to handle whatever comes your way!

Happy organizing my friends!


SOS by Lisa | Professional Organizer, Home Organizer
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