Organizational Style Quiz

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Find your type!

Organizational Style Quiz

Take my 10-question organizational style quiz to find out your type. 

If you’ve struggled to find a system that works, or bought countless baskets, bins, and closet organizers that have failed to help ease your life, you should know… IT’S NOT YOU!

You’ve most likely been trying to force yourself into someone else’s solution. That daily effort and frustration is like swimming upstream – and it’s exhausting, isn’t it? 

Clarifying your personal organizational style tells us how you’re wired. Then we can fine tune the solutions to create a system that works WITH you, a home and workplace that works FOR you, and give you sweet flow vs friction in your day-to-day life!

You’re just 10 questions away! Then read on for tips & strategies.

Organizational Style Quiz

Answer these 10 questions to discover your predominant Organizational Style!

  • Select the option that's closest to your current approach to organizing and storing things -- not your image of how you "should" be.
  • It's possible to have somewhat different styles in different areas of your home, but for the purposes of this quiz aim to choose the answer that most appeals to you.

1 / 11

How do you like to start a new project?

2 / 11

If someone asks you for an important document, where would you find it?

3 / 11

How do you keep track of your appointments and to do lists?

4 / 11

What does your bathroom counter and/or cabinets/drawers look like?

5 / 11

Where are your kitchen cooking tools and gadgets stored?

6 / 11

How do you prepare to host a party?

7 / 11

The laundry is done in the dryer. What do you do with it?

8 / 11

How is your pantry set up?

9 / 11

What does your desk look like?

10 / 11

What do you do with your seasonal décor after the holiday?

11 / 11

What is more important to you?

Tap to learn more about your type, and how to make it work for you!

SOS by Lisa | Professional Organizer, Home Organizer
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