Smart Travel Packing Tips! Part 2 – Accessories

In the second part of my Smart Travel Packing Tips series we’ll talk about all the accessories that will make your travel adventures a breeze!

This month I’m sharing the second part of my Smart Packing series. If you read last month’s blog you’ll remember that my husband and I recently traveled overseas to Iceland and Ireland for 9 days. This trip taught me so much about packing efficiently and staying organized while adventuring. Smart packing strategies were critical for keeping things neat, knowing where to find them, and making sure things don’t get left behind. Last month we talked about the best clothes for efficient trip packing. If you missed it including my one weird tip, you can read it here.

This month we’re getting into the juicy stuff…accessories! Who doesn’t love a good travel accessory? I’ve got a bunch of recommendations that made our trip so much easier and more efficient.

First things first, let’s get packed!

Packing Cubes – I can’t emphasize enough the difference these make! I had separate cubes for shirts, pants, undergarments/socks, etc and I brought an extra one to use for dirty laundry. To keep things tidy and neat within the cubes, we used these bands to keep things from coming unrolled.

Packing Cubes

Luggage Locks – On a long trip like this, we wanted to be able to lock the suitcases. A TSA approved lock is important!! Look for the symbol, otherwise they will cut them off.

Luggage Tags – We used these sturdy tags that couldn’t be easily removed. Bonus Tip! Print out a QR code with your contact information and tape it on the back in case your luggage gets lost so you can be reached quickly! (Iceland Air did a GREAT job of getting all our luggage where it needed to be!)

Luggage Tag

Toiletry bottles – These cosmetic toiletry bottles that I found are AWESOME! They pump from the bottom, so there is NO waste, but they also don’t leak at all! I love them for shampoo, lotion, etc!

Toiletry Bottles

Pill Bags – For any medications or supplements we needed to take with us we used these disposable pill baggies rather than trying to take bulky pill containers.

Traveling smart is good, traveling comfortable is even better!

Pillow – I don’t know about you, but it seems that all hotels use feather pillows, and I have a very hard time getting enough neck support from those. So I brought a small, packable pillow for a little extra support. It didn’t take up much room in my suitcase, but made all the difference in 9 nights of hotel sleeping where the pillows were a crap shoot!

Neck Pillow – Speaking of pillows, 6 or more hours on a flight make a person sleepy and the plane seats are not conducive to good rest. A compact, packable neck pillow is critical to help avoid jet-lag and definitely worth the extra space!

Filtered water bottle – Iceland has some of the cleanest water in the world but that’s not true everywhere! This slim design bottle is insulated and has a filter to help with any strange tasting water we came across. Plus you can feel good about avoiding unnecessary plastic waste.

Filtered water bottle

Destination Must-Haves!

Plug adapter – I LOVE this multi-country plug adapter – it covers most of the countries you will travel to (it’s worked for me perfectly on more than one international trip). Plus it offers plenty of USB ports to plug in your devices. I pair that with this AMAZING power strip so I only need ONE adapter vs several. I also take this power strip on random weekend trips, because let’s face it, most hotels never have enough outlets! Now I only need one and I’m set!

Electronics Organizer – I actually used this organizer to hold all the things I need within reach on a flight – gum, mints, ear buds, snacks, etc! Worked perfectly! It’s also great if you need to actually organize your electronic cords too!

Electronics organizer

Crossbody bag – During any travel it’s recommended you keep your important items close to your body instead of on your back where light fingered thieves can snatch your stuff! This RFID blocking bag was small enough to be lightweight, but big enough to hold my cards, ID and passport, phone, and other necessities.

Crossbody bag

Travel Umbrella – I found this great little umbrella that is compact enough to maximize space, but it also comes with a case, so I didn’t have to put a wet umbrella in my backpack or pocket, getting everything else wet.

Packable Tote – For beach trips, I love taking this foldable, packable beach bag! It can easily be rinsed off, but is also very compact for travel!

Wet bag – It’s always handy to bring a waterproof bag for traveling with wet bathing suits.

Did you find some new ideas that will be helpful for your next trip? Hopefully trying some of these will give you more time to relax and enjoy your time away! You deserve it!


SOS by Lisa | Professional Organizer, Home Organizer
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